A maker, maven and solution-driven operator. 

Across a 16 year career in the creative industries I have run my own design-services business, shaped an innovative start up to win the Knee High Design Challenge, mentored young creatives in enterprise, managed two national engagement programmes for Sir John Sorrellmanaged brand and marketing for one of Wales’ largest independent retailers, and headed up brand marketing and comms for a carbon neutral, top ten UK architecture practice and Certified B Corporation. 

Those are the headlines, but what about the stories (and the work) behind them?

Beyond the ordinary…

Like when I dressed up as Freya Rabbit for a crowd of 150 children, or the year I drove a mobile park (in a converted ambulance) around Peckham, or when I was called “snake hipped” on a BBC London News interview (I was campaigning not dancing), that time I flew Santa in on an actual helicopter, or when I managed “one of London’s most vibrantly eclectic music venues” (says The Guardian), or that project where I helped a group of young people talk about their experiences of crime to the 32 Borough Commanders of the Metropolitan Police – and the Home Secretary – or when I slept out for LandAid in a sleeping bag made of 80 crisp packets, or most recently, when I shaped the storytelling of a globally recognised COP26 climate installation ☝️.

I like to get interesting stuff done. The further from the ordinary, the better. I like to craft stories that make people feel something. I like to learn and lead as I go. If that sounds like something you like, too, let’s talk.